Monday, September 5, 2011
Two Years
Monday, October 18, 2010
Princess Cruise Food Complaint
Here is a shot of our ship, the Crown Princess in the harbor at the Greek island of Santorini. Beautiful ship, great accommodations but as a hotel/restaurant it was poorly managed.
With reference to the complaint below, I talked with another Princess Cruise guest who took a cruise to Alaska and her comments were the same -- nice ship, but the food was only average, and the timing of the entertainment was not passenger friendly.
As with my cruise, all of the good cuts of meat and fish were reserved for the additional pay restaurants, and the food in the regular restaurant was average at best. Like me, she had taken many cruises and the shipboard food was always magnificent. This time she said she may as well have eaten at Denny's, T.G.I. Fridays, etc. The steaks were no better than those at Ponderosa.
What really bugs me about this entire situation is that we already paid for the food as part of our trip package. Princess, however, is trying to bleed as many dollars out of the passengers as they can by shipping most of the better quality food to the pay restaurants. So, if you spend $50 per couple at the pay restaurant, you must remember that you have to add the amount from you fare to that total This just doesn't seem right to me.
Remember, I don't argue with the fact that they open pay restaurants, I am arguing with the fact that just about all of the better cuisine is available there, and not in the restaurant you would normally go to.
Are the other cruise lines doing the same thing? I don't know. If you do, please add a comment to this post.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Princess Cruises -- Rip Off Pro
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
One Year

September 8, 2010
We had some fun, didn't we
Just me and you, and you and me.
Those were the days, it was easy to smile
We'd hug each other, at least for a while.
But today is one very difficult day
The anniversary of your going away.
I'll try to remember the good times we had
And forget those times when life was bad.
You were always there when I needed you,
But now you're gone, my Linda "Loo".
I hope you're happy...your family with you
They love you so much; I know it's true.
But today I'm lost, I'm sad to say
It's one year since my girl went away.
While I know you watch me from up above,
I long to see you, My Girl... My Love.
-- Your Boy
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Last Night
On September 8, 2009, I had to say goodbye to my love, Linda Louise (Loo) Spinelli. Last night, February 8, 2010, I was working at my computer and had what you may call a paranormal experience. I wasn’t doing anything special or important, just moving from one project to another giving things a simple glance or a quick read instead of serious thought. While I had been thinking about Linda earlier in the evening, I was doing “stuff” that, at least temporarily, blocked her from my mind. Suddenly I was enveloped by an incredible sense of warmth and love, and the scent of perfume filled the air around me. It wasn’t any perfume, but my wife’s perfume – Odyssey by Avon. The perfume had a unique scent when Linda wore it. It was the same as from the bottle, and yet different…something unique to her. I’m sure chemists would say that subtle changes in odor are due to the perfume’s reaction to body chemistry and other factors, but when you are with someone for nearly 20 years (married 16+), you notice these little nuances. I basked in the moment for some seconds and actually said aloud, “Oh, you’re here.” I felt love… her love, something that I had missed for more than five months. It was an incredible experience, and it is something I sincerely wish that everyone who lost someone close to them, like a spouse, a child, or brother or sister, could experience. Why that experience occurred last night, on the same day and at the same time as when I lost her, I don’t know… but I sure hope it happens again.
Last Night You Came Home
February 8, 2010
I wasn’t thinking of you when you stopped by.
The girl that I lost, and still wonder why.
I wasn’t dreaming, as too often I do,
But when you stopped by-- I knew it was you….
Again I had that feeling of joy and of love,
A gift not of earth, but from God up above.
Your perfume did surround… it enveloped me.
Your presence I felt, but could not see.
Five months ago today you left those you love,
And went home to your parents, and to God’s love.
But you came back tonight… at 10:02,
The same time I lost my Linda Loo.
Yes I knew you were there, right at my side
My girl, my love, my friend, my bride.
Yes, my girl came home to me last night….
And for a brief moment, everything was all right.
But those feelings left as quickly as they came,
My loss would return… life was still the same.
But your perfume, it lingered; that part was real,
Reminding me of the joy, and the loss I now feel.
So, Linda please stop by in the day, or even at night
For it gives me great peace… to know you’re all right.
And while we can’t touch, I know that you care,
It’s your presence I feel, and the love we still share.
I treasured your visit, though it was too brief.
It came as a whisper, and left as a thief.
And while my heart remains empty and broken in two,
It beats with a longing for my Linda Loo.
And for one moment…one shining, glorious moment
You were here…
And I was happy again.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Memory Test

This is courtesy of my friend Bill, and it is NOT a pushover test. There are 20 questions. Average score is 12. It will help if you are over 55 ! This one will be difficult for the younger set. Have fun, but no peeking because the answers are at the end of the test! Oh, I got a 20 out of 20 -- and I guess that means I have a really great memory, or I'm just old!
Good luck youngsters.
1. What builds strong bodies 12 ways?
A. Flintstones vitamins
B. The Buttmaster
C. Spaghetti
D. Wonder Bread
E. Orange Juice
F. Milk
G. Cod Liver Oil
2. Before he was Muhammed Ali, he was...
A. Sugar Ray Robinson
B. Roy Orbison
C. Gene Autry
D. Rudolph Valentino
E. Fabian
F. Mickey Mantle
G. Cassius Clay
3. Pogo, the comic strip character said, 'We have met the enemy and...
A. It's you
B. He is us
C. It's the Grinch
D. He wasn't home
E. He's really me an
F. We quit
G. He surrendered
4. Good night David.
A. Good night Chet
B. Sleep well
C. Good night Irene
D. Good night Gracie
E. See you later alligator
F. Until tomorrow
G. Good night Steve
5. You'll wonder where the yellow went...
A. When you use Tide
B. When you lose your crayons
C. When you clean your tub
D. If you paint the room blue
E. If you buy a soft water tank
F. When you use Lady Clairol
G. When you brush your teeth with Pepsodent
A. Stuart Whitman
B. Randolph Scott
C. Steve Reeves
D. Maynard G Krebbs
E. Corky B. Dork
F. Dave the Whale
G. Zippy Zoo
7. Liar, liar.
A. You're a liar
B. Your nose is growing
C. Pants on fire
D. Join the choir
E. Jump up higher
F. On the wire
G. I'm telling Mom
8. Meanwhile, back in Metropolis, Superman fights a never ending battle for truth, justice and...
A. Wheaties
B. Lois Lane
C. TV ratings
D. World peace
E. Red tights
F. The American way
G. News headlines
9. Hey kids! What time is it?
A. It's time for Yogi Bear
B. It's time to do your homework
C. It's Howdy Doody Time
D. It's Time for Romper Room
E. It's bedtime
F. The Mighty Mouse Hour
G. Scoopy Doo Time
10. Lions and tigers and bears...
A. Yikes
B. Oh no
C. Gee whiz
D. I'm scared
E. Oh my
F. Help! Help!
G. Let's run
11. Bob Dylan advised us never to trust anyone...
A. Over 40
B. Wearing a uniform
C. Carrying a briefcase
D. Over 30
E. You don't know
F. Who says, 'Trust me'
G. Who eats tofu
12. NFL quarterback who appeared in a television commercial wearing women's stockings...
A. Troy Aikman
B. Kenny Stabler
C. Joe Namath
D. Roger Stauback
E. Joe Montana
F. Steve Young
G. John Elway
13. Brylcream.
A. Smear it on
B. You'll smell great
C. Tame that cowlick
D. Grease ball heaven
E. It's a dream
F. We're your team
G. A little dab'll do ya
14. I found my thrill...
A. In Blueberry muffins
B. With my man, Bill
C. Down at the mill
D. Over the windowsill
E. With thyme and dill
F. Too late to enjoy
G. On Blueberry Hill
15. Before Robin Williams, Peter Pan was played by...
A. Clark Gable
B. Mary Martin
C. Doris Day
D. Errol Flynn
E. Sally Fields
F. Jim Carey
G. Jay Leno
16. Name the Beatles...
A. John, Steve, George, Ringo
B. John, Paul, George, Roscoe
C. John, Paul, Stacey, Ringo
D. Jay, Paul, George, Ringo
E. Lewis, Peter, George, Ringo
F. Jason, Betty, Skipper, Hazel
G. John, Paul, George, Ringo
17. I wonder, wonder, who..
A. Who ate the leftovers?
B. Who did the laundry?
C. Was it you?
D. Who wrote the book of love?
E. Who I am?
F. Passed the test?
G. Knocked on the door?
18. I'm strong to the finish...
A. Cause I eats my broccoli
B. Cause I eats me spinach
C. Cause I lift weights
D. Cause I'm the hero
E. And don't you forget it
F. Cause Olive Oyl loves me
G. To outlast Bruto
19. When it's least expected, you're elected, you're the star today...
A. Smile, you're on Candid Camera
B. Smile, you're on Star Search
C. Smile, you won the lottery
D. Smile, we're watching you
E. Smile, the world sees you
F. Smile, you're a hit
G. Smile, you're on TV
20. What do M & M's do?
A. Make your tummy happy
B. Melt in your mouth, not in your pocket
C. Make you fat
D. Melt your heart
E. Make you popular
F. Melt in your mouth, not in your hand
G. Come in colors
Below are the right answers:
1. D - Wonder Bread
2. G - Cassius Clay
3. B - He Is Us
4. A - Good night, Chet
5. G - When you brush your teeth with Pepsodent
6. D - Maynard G. Krebbs
7. C - Pants On Fire
8. F - The American Way
9.. C - It's Howdy Doody Time
10. E - Oh My
11. D - Over 30
12. C - Joe Namath
13. G - A little dab'll do ya
14. G - On Blueberry Hill
15. B - Mary Martin
16. G - John, Paul, George, Ringo
17. D - Who wrote the book of Love
18. B - Cause I eats me spinach
19. A - Smile, you're on Candid Camera
20. F - Melt In Your Mouth Not In Your Hand
Saturday, December 5, 2009
A New Blog

In high school one of my many nicknames (most of which would violate Blogspots profanity policy) was Grapestomper. Well, since so many years have passed since that time I thought I'd just include in the name, thus The Ol' Grape Stomper. I plan on using this blog as a more personal area where people can learn about me and some of the things I have done and some of the things I plan to do (even though I am an old codger). I'm not sure where this one will take me, but I am sure it will take me somewhere. I do have another blog here, and that's, which is my site that I use for a Podcasting class I teach at Westmoreland Community College, and other stuff.